VR and AR Affect Perception

Tech Xplore | A study from the University of Toronto reveals that virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) can temporarily alter how people perceive distances and interact with the real world. Participants in VR tended to undershoot their reach, while those in AR overshot, although AR users readjusted faster to real-world conditions. This research is relevant to industries like healthcare and aviation, where VR and AR are used for training, highlighting the importance of understanding their real-world performance implications.

Editor’s Comment – The AR users may adjust quicker because they are already aware of the real physical world.

Read More – https://techxplore.com/news/2024-08-virtual-augmented-reality-temporarily-people.html

Image – Research associate Xiaoye Michael Wang fits a VR display onto study participant Colin Dolynski. Credit: Molly Brillinger