Roblox’s Open Source 3D AI

PC Mag | Roblox is introducing a generative AI tool called the 3D Foundational Model, which allows developers to create 3D assets, scenes, and even interactions using text, images, or videos. Trained on 3D data from its community and licensed datasets, the open source model builds on Roblox’s growing suite of AI tools, aiming to simplify content creation. The platform’s long-term goal includes what Roblox terms “4D Generative AI”, where interactive environments are generated with dynamic, animated elements. Roblox hopes for widespread industry adoption, allowing third-party developers to tailor the model for their needs.

Editor’s Comment – This may be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the future of gaming and simulation as AI supports the shift to user designed and created interactive 3D content. The challenge of making the 3D elements interact is however significant and Roblox are working on this problem through their “4D Generative AI“.

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Image – Roblox