Death of GPUs in Gaming?

PC Gamer | This article from PC Gamer explores the potential impact of generative AI on the future of gaming, specifically how it could transform the way games look. The author argues that AI-powered post-processing filters could potentially render photorealistic graphics in real time, replacing the need for traditional game development techniques. This shift would make the rendering capabilities of a graphics card less significant, as the processing power needed to run the AI algorithms becomes paramount. The article then speculates on the implications of this technology, suggesting that it could allow players to customize their visual experience, potentially leading to personalized game worlds tailored to their individual preferences. The author concludes by acknowledging the challenges that need to be overcome before this vision becomes a reality, but ultimately expresses optimism about the potential for AI to revolutionise how we play and experience games.

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Editor’s Comment – The article states that there is some way to go before this technique can be processed in real time but this could mark at shift in processing from GPUs to AI and reinvigorate and repurpose many older games and simulations.