“Spatial Intelligence” – Thinking Like Humans

Coin Telegraph | AI firm World Labs, co-founded by Fei-Fei Li, the former Google Cloud AI boss, has launched with $230M in funding and a $1B valuation. Its goal is to develop “Large World Models” (LWMs) capable of 3D spatial intelligence, aiming to enable AI to understand and interact with 3D environments. This innovation could revolutionise areas like robotics, virtual worlds, and creative industries, expanding AI’s capabilities from 2D text and images to fully interactive 3D spaces. World Labs’ approach hints at reshaping AI to more closely model human perception of the world.

Read More – https://cointelegraph.com/news/godmother-ai-world-labs-230-million-funding

Editor’s Comment – This feels hugely important and illustrates the mega trend from 2D digital worlds to 3D digital worlds melding with the real physical world.

Image – ChatGPT